martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

The freewheeling inputs - August

On this particular assignment, you will be given free reign to write about a topic of interest and, as usual, allowed to react to your classmates' contributions. More care than before should be placed to the way the ideas are comunicated, hence influencing the teacher`s overall assessment.

12 comentarios:

  1. Do video games affect children’s attitudes? Well, to introduce my opinion I must say that I believe that if children play video games (especially violent ones) their attitude may change. There are many cases of children or teenagers that commit terrific crimes due to violent aggressive upticks in their attitude for playing aggressive video games.
    All in all, I wouldn`t like video games to be banned from society as many people play them with responsibility.
    The root of these issues may come from educational problems. If you are a parent and your children plays video games 24/7 you should restrict them from them for a certain amount of time.
    Also, I believe that some violent games might be prohibited in countries in whose society is not mentally prepared to see the difference between a game and reality.

  2. Since we have the right to write about a certain topic to our taste, I introduce in this section the term of "Epigenesis". Even though I realized it might sound quite technical, the concept includes some food for thought.
    How do we become who we are? We already know for sure that not only does genetical material define ourselves, but environmental influences as well. However, have we considered that environmental changes, apart from seeming physiological, can actually modify our genes? Epigenesis implies a change in genetic expression as a result of environmental influences. In other words, the way we give meaning to our lives can, in fact, have a real effect on the way our genetic software expresses itself.
    To my book, this term undermines the age-old debate regarding nature versus nurture because it shows nurture modifies nature itself. But, as a matter of fact, even if it changes it,
    It does not stop being biology, genetical material, nature. In spite of these theories not being well underpinned yet, I do not consider them a pie in the sky but perfectly viable.
    Therefore I would remove the “vs” and say “Nurture AND nature define ourselves”. Our whole bodies, our cells are a machine for turning experience into biology . Since we constantly compose ourselves, being not prewritten beings… we might as well change negatively speaking. So, who do we wanna become? That´s entirely up to us.

  3. As we are free to share any topic of our interest, I would like to comment on OCD - Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    In recent years, OCD has become well known in our everyday lives. Movies, plays, television, mention this disorder and we can increasingly hear that its name is used in numerous situations of daily life.
    At the same time, a very large number of people suffer from hidden and persistent thoughts and actions they feel compelled to perform without finding an explanation for his or her condition.
    In OCD, people experience disturbing thoughts often, but unlike people who do not suffer from this disorder, these thoughts are not discarded, and some of those ideas are repeated over and over again.
    While nowadays we can not say that there is a definite cause, it is known that it is strongly determined by genetics, with significant biological basis. At the same time we know that certain things we do or think they can maintain or increase symptoms.
    Suspecting that someone may have OCD, it is necessary to consult with professional specializing in the disorder. It is very important to have a correct diagnosis to allow the person to get appropriate help, and perhaps prevent years of suffering.
    Although I'm not going to study anything related to psychotherapy, I find this topic extremely interesting and I believe it should definitely be a concern for the society.

  4. Given the opportunity to choose a free topic to write about, I would like to share this video with all of you. I first came across this video a couple of months ago, and simply could not stop thinking about it since then.
    Therefore, I have a few questions I would like you to ponder about.
    Would you say his opinion has been biased, in any way, by his parents, or teachers? Where do you think he learnt about the environment and animals in the first place? Why do you think is the reason for his urge to be a grown up? Why do you think nowadays we get bored when the environment issue comes up?
    I personally believe the kid is being genuine about his feelings, and that we have a lot to learn from him. Even though he's a child, he deserves to be listened to as people like him want to make a difference in the world by actually doing something, not just sitting down and complaining about what they think is wrong. What's going on with the environment does matter, and it involves all of us. We should spread awareness, together with acting out towards a commmon goal: saving the earth.

  5. “It is essential that you all be riveted on your chosen topic”, Dean stated. Back to yesteryear, whenever the green callow version of myself was inquired the standard: “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”, she would promptly reply “I’m gonna be both an actress and a singer, I would travel the world from stage to stage and interpret multifarious characters until I’m grey and over the hill”. To put it in a nutshell, albeit I’ve always had a total absorption in musical theatre, little did I imagine how plain sailing it’d be to find a spellbinding topic to share with you through the blog.
    Not until I was browsing Facebook a few days ago did I find those two must-see videos which served as a trigger for my undermentioned input.
    To begin with, Hugh Jackman’s video enlightens viewers about the stimuli and motives which form the basis for the following question’s response: “Why should everyone study acting?” Consequently, Jackman unfolds the bond which has been forged between improper breathing and pent-up emotions. Besides, when uttering “the life of an actor is really about being awake”, Hugh alludes to those qualities an artist needs to develop which are likewise of the utmost importance to human maturity: how to listen and how to be present in the so-called “here and now”. Into the bargain, Jackman evinces his know-how when comparing acting with current relationships. Ergo, following his train of thought, I came to realize we mortals have grown accustomed to taking things for granted and, surprisingly enough, I sometimes ponder about the following “Am I fully living this fleeting instant which, once is gone, will never come back?” The same happens with couples who, instead of spending day after day together in wedded bliss, they cruise along in the comfort zone and overlook minute details: bear hugs or even looking at each other. In like manner, it is vital that performers be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on stage, otherwise the show is an inexorable straight path to abject failure. The level-headed speaker ruminates on the following: Given the fact that life provides us with plenty of opportunities to wake up once and for all, why aren’t we?
    Here the link to take a butcher’s at Hugh Jackman’s speech:

    On the other hand, I’ll be writing about Emma Thompson’s interview for BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) and precisely zeroing in on the minute 3:10 hereafter. “What advice would you give to aspiring actors?” First and foremost, seldom have I seen such an awe-inspiring response to such a broad enquiry. Differences between an actress and a model are the cynosure of Thompson’s attention. Hence, she foregrounds the first one should never let herself be defined simply by the way she looks and, in lieu of it, Emma proposes a proper actress should strive to develop and grow professionally. To sum it up, Thompson proffers would-be actresses to challenge those who insist on them to lose weight, aiming that girls reach an unachievable state of perfection according to social standards. How to challenge them? Merely by showing you are sagacious enough to have powerful arguments and counter-attack: “Why? Is my character a thin person? Is my character thin because they have suffered from some sort of eating disorder? Give me a reason”. If they solely suggest a beautifying reason, then they shouldn’t be looking for an actress but a model. Thereupon, Emma asserts fame is nothing but an accident, true serendipity which occurs as an upshot of performer’s relentless effort and devotion, thus stressing the importance of being passionate about what you do, rather than have payment as the sole motivation. After all, if it’s not you the zealous one who exerts himself as part of your quotidian routine so as to own the one and only chance of working in that which you take sheer pleasure from, then who will?
    To have a dekko at Emma Thompson’s interview:

  6. Being free to choose any topic to share made me think of the different interests of each one of us. For this post I would like to share a video from a little boy in India who became famous because he had his brother growing inside him (what is known as parasitic twin). He had a really difficult life until professional doctors agreed to operate on this little kid and he is now free to have a happy life. Here you can watch the video:
    I first came across this video on Facebook and I thought it may interest you all. If somebody wants to dig deeper into parasitic twins you can take a look at

  7. The Mandela Effect is a theory of parallel universes, based in the idea that because large groups of people have similar alternative memories about past events. Advocates of the theory claim that for these collective experiences to be true, the fabric of reality must have shifted at some point in the past, and that therefore not only do parallel, inhabitable universes exist, but that we are constantly switching between them.
    For example, the other day when we were having a picnic we had a certain situation in which we all agreed it may be due to the Mandela Effect. We were eating a bag of chips, which everyone thought the name was "Kranchitos" since we were kids but in fact, when we turned over the bag we were surprised because it had said "Krachitos" all along

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  9. Having free reign to write about any topic of interest, I decided to talk about the theory of simulated reality.
    Simulated Reality is the hypothesis that the universe, its inhabitants and other aspects of the physical world are simulated by a computer to a degree that is indistinguishable from our current conception of everyday reality, in stark contrast to the concepts of virtual and augmented realities that are technologically attainable and discernibly artificial in nature. The concept of simulated reality has been commonly used as a plot device in works of science fiction.
    If you think about it, its nor a very far-fetched theory, taking into account how far technology has gone in little time. If smartphones and tablets appeared in a span of a few years, then who is to say that in the near future we won't have a true virtual reality experience? Furthermore, we already have something similar to that, although it is not that immersive, but it's the first step to the future of simulations, simulations that may even be so smart and so independent that could have thoughts of their own. So, if human beings will, for sure, be able to create such AI (artificial inteligence), is it not possible, by any chance, that we ourselves are a simulation?


    A while ago I came across this video on Facebook and it really did catch my attention. I've seen this topic being talked about, told and retold about a million times but this one for some reason got to me. Maybe it was the breathtaking view mixed with the poem-like structure or the passion with which the man talked, but I found myself slightly crying by the end of it.
    One thing I liked a lot was the plane analogy, not only because I am afraid of flying and I found it kind of reassuring, but also because it got the point across in a very interesting and never done before way. It is not just that we are made to fly, it's safer that way therefore we should.
    Moreover, i found extremely interesting the name with which they presented the video “Everybody dies, but not everybody lives”. I completely agree with that statement and I know a quote that expresses that perfectly.
    “We waste so many days waiting for weekend. So many nights wanting morning. Our lust for future comfort is the biggest thief of life”
    -Joshua Glenn Clark
    I believe we should stop waiting for better things to come, but rather work for that dream that “chose us” and live, not only exist.

  11. When i first heard about this free wheeling imputs for the blog I became trully greatful and joyful, as it was an oportunity for us to actually express ourselves and have our topics of interest actually valued. However, I then found myself in quite a predicament, since none of my interests were somewhat debeatable. But then I thought: I can actually spreak about ANYTHING, and, what is the thing I'm most passionate about that i'd never thought to speak of in class? My dog! She's a labrador, with thik yeallow fur, which is now covering my hole house floor since she is changing it for sping and summer. Its not rare for us in the family to be awaken by her in the middle of the night, eather because she barks loudly at anything that dares to walk by our house, or because our legs get nummed because she's been sleeping on top of them. Moreover, whenever we take her for a walk, even if it hasn't rained in weeks, she somehow finds a way to get herself in a puddle and make a mess of herself.
    I could keep talking on and on about how wonderfully idiotic my best friend is, but this has gone way too far and became lonwinded, so thank you for your time.

  12. Its no surprise that even when I had free will to write literally about ANYTHING I'd like, I still wouldn't know what topic to choose, so I decided to go through the last web pages I visited and I came across this personal image course I really wanted to attend during the winter holidays and then decided to look for a topic related to it.
    The chosen topic was, The Color Theory, which implies that the color coordination is one of the most important things when it comes to style.
    The Color Theory is used to combine an outfit more appropriately, if you know how to mix the colors well when you choose your clothes you will be one step ahead of the game, as a well coordinated outfit colorwise always looks more harmonious and elegant than something worn at random. Therefore, there are several schemes you can use to put colors together, to choose exemplify these schemes, by mostly shirts, bow ties, pocket squares, among others and mixing them according to the schemes.
    When you are putting together an outfit, it is recommended that you limit the amount of colors to three to avoid a melange of them, having a primary color, a secondary and a tertiary. This way, the primary color should be the one that occupies most of the colored space, while the tertiary is the one that occupies the least. Moreover, If you have any other pieces you want to put on and don't know what color to pick, the safe bet would be to wear neutral colors such as black, white, grey or khaki, due to the fact that these go literally with anything
